Technology is a critical enabler and foundational
element of a KM plan. With the advances in Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs), KM can be attained through technological solutions. ICTs facilitate collaboration
between people and teams which are geographically dispersed. ICTs also facilitate KM activities
through the codification of knowledge as well as rich and interactive forms of communication
through the Internet. While technology is important and can significantly enable KM, it is
pertinent to state that it is not a solution in and of itself. Technology does not make organisation
share knowledge, but if people want to share it, technology can increase the reach and scope of
such exchanges. Putting an ICT-based KM system in place is not in and of itself going to make
people utilise it, but the success of KM initiatives involves taking account of the socio-cultural
factors which inhibit people’s willingness to share knowledge, such as conflict, trust, time or
concerns about loss of power/status (Sun and Scott, 2005).