As just motivation bring almost no results and countries are not exceeding targets I'll make new format of the motivational competition.
Terms and Conditions.
1) The Competition will be held during 3 months. June-July-August. Winner will be announced each month till 3d next month.
2) Bigger DW wins. As Thailand is almost on target because of good Q1 results but have lossy results during the last 2 months and Cambodia is out of target - so it is fare to be compared.
The lose country will be cut 5% from every staff salary to give to country that wins each month.
The Country that didn't accomplish the target on any from these 3 months got anyway penalty of 2% from every staff salary monthly - that didn't go to somewhere but just saved for country budget.
If the lose country fulfil the target but still lose winning country will get only 3% amount cut from every staff salary of lose country
This means that max cut in the worst case Lose + Not target accomplish is 7% deduction.
3) These money can be used on the following by Team according team or country manager decision:
Team building.
Country marketingadvertisement expenses.
Cash bonuses for staff.
4) Note - 1 client can't depo more then 49900 USD - so diversify them. As the clients with bigger depos always then withdraw almost all the money and most of them win even and thus will make no sense. (many examples in Cambodia , some in Thailand, many in Malaysia etc.).
We need stability coming.
Good Luck and have fun!