Possible application of gene technology
When bees harvest from genetically modified plants, the pollen of these plants will be present in the honey. Unlike nectar, pollen contains genetic information, which means that, in the case of a GM plant, it will also contain the new gene.
Melliferous rapeseed: In the EU, GM rapeseed has only been planted in field trials. In Canada, it has occupied more than 90 per cent of the area under rape cultivation since 1999.
It must be assumed that Canadian honey contains pollen from genetically modified rapeseed particularly when identified as "rapeseed honey" or "rapeseed-clover honey".
In a variety of honey products that have been imported from Canada, pollen from genetically modified rapeseed has been detected. Analyses by German food surveillance authorities have found pollen from GM rapeseed in Canadian honey. As much as a third of the total pollen present may be comprised of GM pollen.
Rapeseed honey from Germany or Europe only contains pollen from GM rapeseed when the beehive has stood in the immediate vicinity of a test field.