Why use P4C at school?
The skills the children learn through P4C are life skills that have a positive impact across all
areas of the curriculum as well as personally and socially. P4C promotes high expectations;
children are encouraged to give reasons and explanations for their answers. No answer is
wrong, so children have the confidence to share their opinions. Children learn to listen to and
be respectful of others’ views; they understand that everyone is allowed their own opinion.
Discussing, listening and responding to a range of thoughts allows children to see that a
problem or idea has a range of views and beliefs. This helps them to make sense of their own
ideas; either confirming their original thoughts or changing their views based on reasons
given by others. P4C promotes the fact that children have the right to speak, be heard and
have a viewpoint. An education that emphasises community, communication and independent
thinking helps to prepare children for an ever changing world.