The system (Waters) consisted of: model 600 pump, model 600E controller, WISP 700 automatic sample injector, and associated IBM-compatible computer. An Alltec refractive index detector (Knauer, Berlin, Germany) was used. The aminopropyl-bonded phase column (4gm high-performance carbohydrate column, Waters) was operated at 300 C. The mobile phase was an isocratic acetonitrile and water solution (75:25). Sodium chloride was added (0.125%, w/v) to minimize the interference from NaCl. Sugar standards were dried at 600C in a vacuum oven overnight and dissolved in 60% ethanol (modified Zygmunt 1982). Diverse sam- ples were also spiked with various combinations of standard sugars (1-5 ppm) to monitor recovery. Sugar concentration was calcu- lated based on peak area measurements.