To more exactly assess the relationship between binauralhearing impairment and smoking and eliminate theconfounding effect of age and duration of exposureto noise, we used logistic regression analysis. In thisanalysis (after eliminating confounding variables) therewas still a statistically significant relationship betweensmoking and hearing impairment. To perform thisanalysis, we divided the workers into two groups: thosesuffering from hearing impairment and those withoutany impairment. Then they were divided into two groupsaccording to their age (≤40 years old and more than 40years old) and their exposure duration to noise (<20years and ≥20 years), and eventually according to theirsmoking habit were divided into 3 groups (non-smoker,smoker with less than 15 pack-year smoking, and smokerwith ≥15 pack-years of smoking). The details of thisanalysis can be observed in Table 3.
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