We developed a transversal descriptive study of the websites of the Catalan
university system centers recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education,
Culture and Sport, which make up the units of analysis: the university faculties,
whether they are public or private, whether they offer face-to-face or
online learning, that offer degrees in the knowledge areas of Public Relations
and Advertising (or equivalent) during the academic year 2014–2015.
Having identified the available offer, we designed an analysis template,
which included several variables: name of the university and of the faculty;
geographical location; type of university (public/private – face-to-face/online);
name of the degree; names of the subjects (only PR; only Advertising; both
PR and Advertising); classification of the subjects (compulsory or optional);
when it was possible to take these subjects; number of ECTS credits assigned
to each subject; and the course during which these subjects are taught (from
first year to fourth year).
The search for the training offer of the PR and Advertising degree (or of
its equivalents) was carried out using the search engine on the website of the
Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, during the period covering
the beginning of the first semester of 2014–2015 (between 15 September 2014
and 15 November 2014), meaning that the scientific validity of the study only
corresponds to the academic year 2014–2015