number of dead C. cephalonica eggs within the untreated or treated
trials for all treatments (KruskaleWallis OneWay ANOVA on Ranks,
H ¼ 247.66, DF ¼ 23, P < 0.001). However, the percentage of dead
eggs was always higher in the Trichogramma-treated trials, ranging
from to 16.7e17.3 %.
Parasitismof the eggs placed on the jute and paper bags resulted
in a mean number of 21.95 ± 3.41 and 23.1 ± 4.62 black eggs,
respectively. No significant difference in the number of
T. evanescens-parasitised black eggs was detected (T-test, P ¼ 0.38,
t¼0.94). From the eggs placed on the bottom of the plastic boxes,
a mean number of 21.95 ± 3.41 and 23.8 ± 4.62 were parasitised in
the trials with jute and paper bags, respectively. No significant
difference in the number of T. evanescens-parasitised black eggs
was detected (T-test, P ¼ 0.22, t ¼ 1.35) as well.