According to Tokujin Yoshioka: It comes down to the purpose behind my work. Deep down, I am thinking first of how I can move people or bring them joy. When try to compare whether I am better able to do that when I make an artistic object or when I create a [practicall design, l come to the conclusion that it is both and neither. It tends to fall somewhere between the tw o: not wholly part of either, but still intersecting both. For this reason, I gradually began to feel that I wanted to establish my own field Tokujin's mentor Issey Miyake is a pioneer in his even attempt to transcend genre and format. Going back further, we might also remember the late lsamu Noguchi, who in his creations did not adhere to rigid notions of art and design. At one exhibit that Tokujin Yoshioka directed, he brought together various works by creators who could not be labeled with a single genre. Given the stance that Tokujin takes, this was, needless to say, no mere coincidence. I suspect that around ten years from now this new field of expression will be given a name. and Tokujin Yoshioka will no doubt be recognized as one of the first people to become aware of its existence and importance