Sec. 20. Liability of Controlling Persons and Persons Who Aid and Abet Violations.
Sec. 20A. Liability to Contemporaneous Traders for Insider Trading.
Sec. 21. Investigations; Injunctions and Prosecution of Offenses.
Sec. 21A. Civil Penalties for Insider Trading.
Sec. 21B. Civil Remedies in Administrative Proceedings.
Sec. 21C. Cease-And-Desist Proceedings.
Sec. 21D. Private Securities Litigation.
Sec. 21E. Application of Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements.
Sec. 21F. Securities Whistleblower Incentives and Protection.
Sec. 22. Hearings by Commission.
Sec. 23. Rules, Regulations, and Orders; Annual Reports.
Sec. 24. Public Availability of Information.
Sec. 25. Court Review of Orders and Rules.
Sec. 26. Unlawful Representations.
Sec. 27. Jurisdiction of Offenses and Suits.
Sec. 27A. Special Provision Relating to Statute of Limitations on Private Causes of
Sec. 28. Effect on Existing Law.
Sec. 29. Validity of Contracts.
Sec. 30. Foreign Securities Exchanges.
Sec. 30A. Prohibited Foreign Trade Practices by Issuers.
Sec. 31. Transaction Fees.
Sec. 32. Penalties.
Sec. 33. Separability of Provisions.
Sec. 34. Effective Date.
Sec. 35. Authorization of Appropriations.
Sec. 35A. Requirements for the Edgar System.
Sec. 36. General Exemptive Authority.
Sec. 37. Tennessee Valley Authority.
Sec. 38. Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor