This guideline provides advice of a general nature. This statewide guideline has been prepared to promote and facilitate
standardisation and consistency of practice, using a multidisciplinary approach. The guideline is based on a review of
published evidence and expert opinion.
Information in this statewide guideline is current at the time of publication.
SA Health does not accept responsibility for the quality or accuracy of material on websites linked from this site and does not
sponsor, approve or endorse materials on such links.
Health practitioners in the South Australian public health sector are expected to review specific details of each patient and
professionally assess the applicability of the relevant guideline to that clinical situation.
If for good clinical reasons, a decision is made to depart from the guideline, the responsible clinician must document in the
patient’s medical record, the decision made, by whom, and detailed reasons for the departure from the guideline.
This statewide guideline does not address all the elements of clinical practice and assumes that the individual clinicians are
responsible for discussing care with consumers in an environment that is culturally appropriate and which enables respectful
confidential discussion. This includes:
• The use of interpreter services where necessary,
• Advising consumers of their choice and ensuring informed consent is obtained,
• Providing care within scope of practice, meeting all legislative requirements and maintaining standards of
professional conduct, and
• Documenting all care in accordance with mandatory and local requirements