ironmental Problem and opportunities Beside those points that we have mentioned above, we also doing research on a ronment and opportunities; doing analysis what can be affect to our store. Here are areas that we are doing with and consideration on; a) Social and cultural: our production is a standard beverage of the world; therefore, our have no effect for these areas. b) Demographic: as we had mention above, any people or customers will match with our products neither religion problem, nor nationality, nor language, nor cultural, etc. c) Economic: we are going to provide the best price to our customers: therefore, those customer can afford to buy our product. Whenever customers buy more products, we will give more promotion. Summary owing to above analysis our business will running smoothly, we can say shortly or our business will succeed. We are not quite sure that how much we will get more exactly, but we assure that we are going to get the benefit from that business. We are going to succeed over our competitor because our store has competitive advantage that encourage and empower our business to become successful.