Having cornered down her master with an argument, the servant took out a cake knife with red and white ribbons attached------- (it’s definitely used for weddings no matter what angle I look at it from) and handed it over to me.
There was only one result thinkable if we cut the heart-shaped cake with this knife.
“Fuhyaa!? Wh-wh-why are you looking at me, Kokonoe!!”
“Why are you asking, looks like we have to cut the cake together……….”
“------!! No, that’s shameless!! Do you know what you're saying in the first place!? It means, we will be m-ma-ma-marri----“
It seems even Tachibana was thinking the same thing.
Her loss of composure can’t be compared with mine though.
Of course, even I don’t want to do something that embarrassing in front of everyone.
With the confession problem still not settled, Miyabi was here too and I want to avoid making any actions that might make her feel conscious about the problem.
“Hurry up”
Sara's glare was scary; very scary.
Who knows what will happen if I say no.
Because of that, I tried acting as natural as possible and tried convincing Tachibana.
“Don’t take it the wrong way. We are just celebrating our birthday. Just what is so shameless about that?”
“Uu………but, errr…………it might be true but………”
Tachibana looked a little calmer when she heard my indifferent tone.
Okay, one more push.
“It’s a thankful thing. Everyone is congratulating us like this. We should show our appreciation by cutting the cake and have them eat it to show thanks to their efforts”
“……………Y-you’re right. This is to the end, just a celebration for our birthday, umu”