Global Warming1. A recent study of ice-core samples in the Himalayas reveals the following facts:(a.) the last decade was the warmest in 1000 years.(b.) 2001 was the second warmest year on record.(c.) nine of the ten warmest years have occurred since 1990.2. We are experiencing a warming trend known as global warming.3. Global warming describes an increase over time of the average global temperature at the surface of the Earth, which has risen by 0.6 +- 0.2 C since the late 19th century.4. If the warming trend continues, loves on Earth will be greatly affected.[[71256]]Causes of Global Warming1. Coal-burning power plants, vehicle exhausts, factory smokestacks, and other waste vents of the human environment contribute about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other " Greenhouse gases " into the earth's atmosphere each year.2. Using motorised vehicles and machines and furnaces for heating and air condirioners for cooling comtribute to the rise in greenhouse gases being released.3. Factories, power plants and oil refineries also increase the amount of greenhouse gases that are released.4. Burning fossil fuels such as petroleum, gas and coal releases carbon dioxide.5. The top five carbon dioxide producing countries are.(a.) The United States(b.) China(c.) Russia(d.) Japan(e.) India6. Volcanic eruptions are another natural acticity that releases greenhouse gase.7. The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by 31% above pre-industrial levels since 1750.8. this is similar to what happens in a greenhouse used to keep plants in warm temperature.9. With out the natural greenhouse effect, temperatures on Earth would be too low to sustain life.10.Too much carbon traps too much heat and therefore temperatures rise.
The Effects of Global Warming1. Form this flow a variety of secondary effects, including sea level rise, impacts on agriculture, reductions in the ozonre layer, increased extreme weather and the spread of disease.2. Sea level rise is an increase in sea level.3. Any shout-term fluctuations of the climate can have dramatic effects on the agricultural productivity. Thus, the clomate has a direct incidence on food supply.4. The UNFCCC esablishes aprocess for developing an international response to the perceived global warming problem.( UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Clomate Change )5. If has been ratified by 104 countries.6. Polar ice shelves will melt faster and this will result in sea levels rising.7. Coastal regions and low - lying areas will be flooded.8. Many people think that it could result in more extreme weather as global warming progresses.9. Increasing global temperature means that ecosystems may change.10.Loss of flora and fauna species will occur. This in turn will asversely affect the balance in natural ecosystems.
Greenhouse Gas1. Carbon Dioxide2. Methane3. Nitrous Oxide4. Chlorofluorocarbons5. Hydro - Chlorofluorocarbons[[71253]]
ด.ช. ณัฐกร วรจารุพงค์โรงเรียน อัสสัมชัญสมุทรปราการขอบคุณคับ
หมายเหตุ งานเขียนชิ้นนี้ ได้รับการคุ้มครองสิทธิตามพระราชบัญญัติคุ้มครองสิทธิทางปัญญา โดยลิขสิทธิเป็นของผู้เขียน ที่ให้เกียรตินำเผยแพร่ผ่าน วิชาการ.คอม เรามีความยินดีและอนุญาตให้ทำซ้ำหรือเผยแพร่ต่อเพื่อประโยชน์ทางการศึกษาเท่านั้น กรุณาให้เกียรติผู้เขียน โดยอ้างชื่อผู้เขียนและ วิชาการ.คอม ( ทุกครั้งที่ทำการเผยแพร่ต่อ ห้ามนำส่วนหนึ่งส่วนใดไปเผยแพร่ต่อในสื่อที่เอื้อประโยชน์ทางธุรกิจก่อนได้รับอนุญาต ขอขอบคุณที่ร่วมกันช่วยสร้างให้สังคมไทยเป็นสังคมแห่งปัญญา
Global Warming1. A recent study of ice-core samples in the Himalayas reveals the following facts:(a.) the last decade was the warmest in 1000 years.(b.) 2001 was the second warmest year on record.(c.) nine of the ten warmest years have occurred since 1990.2. We are experiencing a warming trend known as global warming.3. Global warming describes an increase over time of the average global temperature at the surface of the Earth, which has risen by 0.6 +- 0.2 C since the late 19th century.4. If the warming trend continues, loves on Earth will be greatly affected.[[71256]]Causes of Global Warming1. Coal-burning power plants, vehicle exhausts, factory smokestacks, and other waste vents of the human environment contribute about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other " Greenhouse gases " into the earth's atmosphere each year.2. Using motorised vehicles and machines and furnaces for heating and air condirioners for cooling comtribute to the rise in greenhouse gases being released.3. Factories, power plants and oil refineries also increase the amount of greenhouse gases that are released.4. Burning fossil fuels such as petroleum, gas and coal releases carbon dioxide.5. The top five carbon dioxide producing countries are.(a.) The United States(b.) China(c.) Russia(d.) Japan(e.) India6. Volcanic eruptions are another natural acticity that releases greenhouse gase.7. The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by 31% above pre-industrial levels since 1750.8. this is similar to what happens in a greenhouse used to keep plants in warm temperature.9. With out the natural greenhouse effect, temperatures on Earth would be too low to sustain life.10.Too much carbon traps too much heat and therefore temperatures rise. [[71372]] The Effects of Global Warming1. Form this flow a variety of secondary effects, including sea level rise, impacts on agriculture, reductions in the ozonre layer, increased extreme weather and the spread of disease.2. Sea level rise is an increase in sea level.3. Any shout-term fluctuations of the climate can have dramatic effects on the agricultural productivity. Thus, the clomate has a direct incidence on food supply.4. The UNFCCC esablishes aprocess for developing an international response to the perceived global warming problem.( UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Clomate Change )5. If has been ratified by 104 countries.6. Polar ice shelves will melt faster and this will result in sea levels rising.7. Coastal regions and low - lying areas will be flooded.8. Many people think that it could result in more extreme weather as global warming progresses.9. Increasing global temperature means that ecosystems may change.10.Loss of flora and fauna species will occur. This in turn will asversely affect the balance in natural ecosystems. [[71257]] Greenhouse Gas1. Carbon Dioxide2. Methane3. Nitrous Oxide4. Chlorofluorocarbons5. Hydro - Chlorofluorocarbons[[71253]] ด.ช. ณัฐกร วรจารุพงค์โรงเรียน อัสสัมชัญสมุทรปราการขอบคุณคับ หมายเหตุ งานเขียนชิ้นนี้ ได้รับการคุ้มครองสิทธิตามพระราชบัญญัติคุ้มครองสิทธิทางปัญญา โดยลิขสิทธิเป็นของผู้เขียน ที่ให้เกียรตินำเผยแพร่ผ่าน วิชาการ.คอม เรามีความยินดีและอนุญาตให้ทำซ้ำหรือเผยแพร่ต่อเพื่อประโยชน์ทางการศึกษาเท่านั้น กรุณาให้เกียรติผู้เขียน โดยอ้างชื่อผู้เขียนและ วิชาการ.คอม ( ทุกครั้งที่ทำการเผยแพร่ต่อ ห้ามนำส่วนหนึ่งส่วนใดไปเผยแพร่ต่อในสื่อที่เอื้อประโยชน์ทางธุรกิจก่อนได้รับอนุญาต ขอขอบคุณที่ร่วมกันช่วยสร้างให้สังคมไทยเป็นสังคมแห่งปัญญา
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