Parents aren't doin much now since little brother got locked up
And I'm stuck smokin this mid waiting for the weed man to get stocked up
And my girl cancelled on me, said something else popped up
And I can't get with my ex now cause her ring finger all rocked up, damn,
No one likes you when your 23 without a plan
Sit around in apartments all day smokin weed and I'm like
"B*tch don't kill my vibe, b*tch don't kill my vibe"
Till I (skkrrrrrrttt) out in my Subaru and in the rear view is them lights
I'm talking about red white and blue
The same color as our flag
The one's that they say salute
But the ones that's whoopin my ass
And the same days that I'm happy
Is the same days that I'm mad
Cause I can't go 24 hours without sh*t happening to my ass, get high