Solid-state fermentation (SSF) was carried out using coconut oil cake (COC) as substrate for the production of a-amylase using
a fungal culture of Aspergillus oryzae. Raw COC supported the growth of the culture, resulting in the production of 1372 U/gds
a-amylase in 24 h. Process optimization using a single parameter mode showed enhanced enzyme titre, which was maximum (1827
U/gds) when SSF was carried out at 30 C for 72 h using a substrate with 68% initial moisture. Supplementation with glucose and
starch further enhanced enzyme titre, which was maximum (1911 U/gds) with 0.5% starch. However, maltose inhibited the enzyme
production. Studies on the effect of addition of external organic and inorganic nitrogenous compounds further showed a positive
impact on enzyme synthesis by the culture. Increase of 1.7-fold in the enzyme activity (3388 U/gds) was obtained when peptone at
1% concentration was added to the fermentation medium. The enzyme production was growth-related, the activity being the
maximum when the fungal biomass was at its peak at 72 h.
Use of COC as raw material for enzyme synthesis could be of great commercial significance. To the best of our knowledge this is
the first report on a-amylase production using COC in SSF.