Microtubules in syncytium formation
To explore rearrangements of the microtubular network during
fusion between HAb2 cells, we fix the cells at different times after the end of the low-pH application and visualize alpha tubulin structures
with fluorescent antibodies (Fig. 3). In untreated cells, we observe, as
expected, distinct microtubule bundles originating from microtubules
organizing center (MTOC) in the vicinity of nuclei. As soon as 5 min
after lowpH application, microtubules labeling in fusing cells becomes
more diffused. Fusion between HAb2 cells results thus in a
rearrangement of the whole structure and shape of the microtubule
cytoskeleton.We observe no bundles of microtubules passing through
the expanding fusion pores. Even 2 h after the low-pH application,
when syncytium formation and the microtubule rearrangements
appear to be completed, we observe multinucleated cells containing
multiple microtubules organizing centers (MTOC) located away from
the gathered nuclei
Microtubules in syncytium formationTo explore rearrangements of the microtubular network duringfusion between HAb2 cells, we fix the cells at different times after the end of the low-pH application and visualize alpha tubulin structureswith fluorescent antibodies (Fig. 3). In untreated cells, we observe, asexpected, distinct microtubule bundles originating from microtubulesorganizing center (MTOC) in the vicinity of nuclei. As soon as 5 minafter lowpH application, microtubules labeling in fusing cells becomesmore diffused. Fusion between HAb2 cells results thus in arearrangement of the whole structure and shape of the microtubulecytoskeleton.We observe no bundles of microtubules passing throughthe expanding fusion pores. Even 2 h after the low-pH application,when syncytium formation and the microtubule rearrangementsappear to be completed, we observe multinucleated cells containingmultiple microtubules organizing centers (MTOC) located away fromthe gathered nuclei
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microtubules Microtubules in syncytium formation
เพื่อสำรวจเรียบเรียงใหม่ของเครือข่าย To explore rearrangements of the microtubular network during
ระหว่างฟิวชั่นระหว่างเซลล์HAb2 fusion between HAb2 cells, we fix the cells at different times after the end of the low-pH application and visualize alpha tubulin structures
กับแอนติบอดีเรืองแสง with fluorescent antibodies (Fig. 3). In untreated cells, we observe, as
expected, distinct microtubule bundles originating from microtubules
organizing center (MTOC) in the vicinity of nuclei. As soon as 5 min
after lowpH application, microtubules labeling in fusing cells becomes
more diffused. Fusion between HAb2 cells results thus in a
rearrangement of the whole structure and shape of the microtubule
cytoskeleton.We observe no bundles of microtubules passing through
the expanding fusion pores. Even 2 h after the low-pH application,
when syncytium formation and the microtubule rearrangements
appear to be completed, we observe multinucleated cells containing
multiple microtubules organizing centers (MTOC) located away from
the gathered nuclei
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