Join Hand to Create a Better Society
There is a popular quote, Human beings are social animals'. We can never live alone. We feel secure and safe when we are among one of our kinds. However, with time we are ignoring our surrounding and making this world not a good place to live.
There were times when humanity existed. People used to feel compassionate and emotionally attached to their peers. They used to lend helping hand without being asked. They used to celebrate happiness together and divide their sorrows.
But, as we evolved, we started forgetting humanity. Our focus shifted to material that gives us comfort for short time. There are many people who are only involved in their materialistic world. They forget that they are surrounded by humans who need nothing, but emotions.
The younger generation is exposed to the world of advanced technology. The present generation would care more about their iPads and iPhones than showing compassion towards their elder people. They are more concerned about new movies or songs than social issues.
It is necessary that we raise ourselves from these materialistic world and go back to what we actually are. People need to understand that emotions is what make us human. We need to show compassion towards our race.
It is the youth who can take up responsibilities to alter the society and make it as it was before. They are young and are our future. Society has huge hopes from them. They need to take up their responsibilities.
There are many social issues that need immediate attention. Involvement of youth is important for the community development. Community development will be possible if all of us work towards it. An individual may not be able to bring in the change that is required in the society. We live in a society surrounded by people of our kind. This is our world and our society. We need to do the task together. We need to join our hands so that we have enough support to make this place a better place.
Let elderly people and youth come towards for community development. Let elderly people guide and youth work towards it. It is our community and we are the ones who can bring in change. Until and unless we don't stand together for the betterment of society, we won't achieve our aim.
Remember, we are social animal. We live in a community where we feel safe and secure. It is our responsibility to make this community a better place. Let's pledge to have community development tasks. It's we who can change. It is we who have the power. It is we who are capable of making the change. We are the change.