Hello ladies - Just wondering if anyone in here has done a IVF cycle woth donor embryos? I have had 4 failed cycles with my own embabies and now we have none left to try. I dont ever want to do a full IVF cycle again so we were looking into adoption when a friend on FB that is in the same IVF group as me told me that if all goes well with her TRIPLET pregnancy that she wants to donate her remaining embryos to me! Isnt that wonderful? I never thought this would happen to me. Ill have to ship the embryos from Iowa to VA where I live. Im hoping its not a difficult process to get the ownership transfered to me. We have one IVF miracle boy from our first IVF and Im excited that we may be able to have sibings that are not bio related to him but bio related to eachother! Im just looking to find ladys who have done this or are doing this now to talk to! Im so excited its going to be hard to wait till November when she is due. Please pray for my sweet bio mommy that she has healthy happy triplets.