1 Guest service is #1 priority
2 Staff are greeting customer immeately and scripting to standard.
Hot Station:
3 Toaster is clean and working normally
4 Taco warmer is working and stock taco enough for operation.
5 Tortilla is prepare enough for operation.
6 Foil is enough stock.
7 White Plate is clean.
8 Hot product is enough for operation and in holding time.
9 Corn Chip is enough stock for Nachos and Chip Dip.
10 Paper tray is well stock for Burrito bowl and Nachos.
11 Salamantra is working properly.
Salad Bar:
12 All product is in the holding time and good presentation.
13 In the fridge is clean, good condition and enough stock product.
14 Sauce is bottle is clean and some spare in the fridge.
15 Sanitizer tub and clean cloth is prepare.
16 Change is enough for operation.
17 Counter is neat and tidy.
18 Printer roll is prepare.
19 Credit card machine is working and paper roll is prepare.
20 Hot water is working.
21 Sink is empty and clean.
23 Prep area is clean.
Dining Room:
24 Table and chair is clean not sticky.
25 Table and chair is in good condition.
26 Trash counter is clean, no garbage over counter.
27 Beverage bar is clean and all drink is full fill.
Rest Room:
28 Toilet is clean and god condition.
29 Floor is dry and clean.
30 Over all is clean