Dear K. Gun,
We refer to AWB no. 618-8679 3560 with TZ301/14 as shipping documents enclosed.
With this message, please be informed that 1 PMC# 53600SQ of 618-86793560 is water damaged.
Please see ensure photos for proof of evidence.
To advise further, our agent gave an assumption that, this appears to have been loaded and some shrink wrap put around it.
Then it got (very ) wet, then someone has put plastic over the top of this mess.
Not a proper way to handle by whoever loaded.
Therefore, we would like you to investigate the case and take up this with all concerned parties to know the point of incidence.
Kindly please revert with finding and advise if you can do any further to avoid for future.
This serves as a notification of our intent to claim also. Please be advised that we are in the process of assessing the damage to the cargo. We hold you fully responsible for the above loss and reserve our right to claim from you all losses –actual and consequential at a later date.
Looking forward to hearing from you with thank you kindly in advance.
Dear K. Gun,
We refer to AWB no. 618-8679 3560 with TZ301/14 as shipping documents enclosed.
With this message, please be informed that 1 PMC# 53600SQ of 618-86793560 is water damaged.
Please see ensure photos for proof of evidence.
To advise further, our agent gave an assumption that, this appears to have been loaded and some shrink wrap put around it.
Then it got (very ) wet, then someone has put plastic over the top of this mess.
Not a proper way to handle by whoever loaded.
Therefore, we would like you to investigate the case and take up this with all concerned parties to know the point of incidence.
Kindly please revert with finding and advise if you can do any further to avoid for future.
This serves as a notification of our intent to claim also. Please be advised that we are in the process of assessing the damage to the cargo. We hold you fully responsible for the above loss and reserve our right to claim from you all losses –actual and consequential at a later date.
Looking forward to hearing from you with thank you kindly in advance.
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