2 crow: a black bird, often seen in fields2raven: a black bird that looks similar to crows,but bigger5harbinger: a thing that brings something6 afterlife: a place you go after dying7 portent: a sign10 crown of England: the English monarchy andgovernment12 clip: to cut; to trim15 swallow: a brown and red bird that oftenmakes a home in barns or outside buildings20 bless: to give luck or good fortune25 aftermath: the resulting situation12ertain birds are, more often than not, considered bad luck, or even asign of impending death. For example, all over the world, bothcrows andravens have some connection to war, and death. In early times, crows and ravens werethought to accompany the gods of war, or be signs of the gods’ approaching arrival. Thisidea later changed. Crows in particular were thought to beharbingers of ill fortune or,in some cases, guides to theafterlife . Woe be it to the person who saw a single crow orraven flying overhead, for this was most certainly aportent of death in the nearfuture. Interestingly, though potentially bad luck for people individually, the rave