Much drug advertising is misleading: AU.S. congressional
Inquiry reported that from August 1997 to August 2002 the
FDA issued 88 letters accusing drug companies of advertising
Violations.In many cases companies overstated the effectiveness
Of the drug or minimized its risks (Gottlieb 2002).Aitken and
Holt(2000) found that the FDA filed violation notices for one
In four products supported by DTCA. As discussed earlier the
Instance of non-compliance with meddicines board’s require-
ments for accuracy is ecen higher in New Zealand. PHAR-
MAC, the New Z ealand government’sdrug purchasing agency
Has raised considerable concerns about the impact of DTCA
Saying that consumers interpret the existence of DTCA as gov-
Ernment approval of adcertised brands, which leads them to
Discount potentially important risk information.