I knำw the magazine from the coffee shop, the format of the magazine is interesting, it made me want to read it.
First, I thouht this is magazine general magazine but when I reading it I have many thought to learn and it made me start to keep track of your magazine.
Your magazine makes me become who knows fashion, and I would love to improve their English as your second language, books, magazines. In addition, I love to dress up and still make me interested to learn more English. Because it makes me think of the English language, I am three can learn a variety of fashion from around the world.I think that I can use if I make good English courses have the opportunity to work on more and I think that my English skills-bearing head, will surprise you. I sew your advertisement on the cheeze-magazine wedsitefor the position of proofread. There are a lot of position for proofread I think that my qualifications will fulfil your requirements.I like the idea that you write in the magazine. This is what makes me keep track of your work.Because you did not teach me to love fashion but you taught me many yourself in development.