Xu Zhenggang saw the battle situation and immediately ordered his men. “Stop firing! Stop firing!”
While the effectiveness of these firearms is indisputable, it is also a fact that these firearms were consuming the limited bullet supply at a very rapid rate. It was like there was a big hole in the bottom of a massive jar filled with water, and the bullets were gushing out of the jar extremely quickly like water. If this continues, all the bullets would be quickly used up.
Under the command of the officers, all of the men in the West, North and South gates stop firing. Only the snipers in the army continued to pick off the zombies by firing at the head of each of zombies.
Once there is a ceasefire, many of the zombies slowly crawl up again. Many of the zombies had holes in their bodies. Some of the zombies have lost an arm or leg, or their guts were dangling out of their bodies, but still they got up, or crawled towards the gate. As long as their heads and spine were intact, they would be able to get up again and again.
If these bullets were to be used against men, the men will be gravely injured and would be unable to fight anymore. However, the wounds were nothing to the zombies that uncaringly crept towards the walls again.
The L2 zombies also got up from the ground. Although the cannon fire was very powerful and had a huge blast radius, it was not very good when it comes to directly targeting of zombie’s head. Only about slightly more than ten zombies were blown into shreds by a direct hit from the cannons. The rest of the L2 zombies were sent flying by the force of the explosion. But the majority of shrapnel pieces that explode outwards landed on their massive body or hands, and did not otherwise affect them at all.
Of course, the standard zombies that were caught in a cannon’s blast radius had been long turned into dust. But the L2 zombies had enhanced strength and toughness that allowed them to survive an indirect hit from the explosion and shrapnel bits.
Looking at the L2 zombies that continued to get up, most of the men felt their hearts sank. Many of the soldiers were terrified. If the cannons could not kill these L2 monsters, they have no idea of what they need to use to kill the L2 zombies.
As soon as the L2 stood up, they immediately walked towards the wall, and continued to throw zombies at the wall.
“Evolvers, all attack!”
This time, the military had already made preparations. Under their command, the evolvers from various factions of Longhai Survival Camp were assigned to fight against the zombies that were thrown onto the wall.
There were over 100 evolvers from both the military and the various factions in LongHai Survivor camp. Once these evolvers joined the battle, the regular zombies were quickly slain. Each evolver is different from the recruits – they had experienced combat with the zombies before, and was not afraid of the standard zombie. Killing the regular zombies that had been thrown onto the wall is but a mere matter for these evolvers.
It was like giving these evolvers more experience orbs.
The tide of the battle slowly returned to a standstill. Each of the four gates rang out occasional sounds of gunfire. These are from the gunshots from the elite marksmen and snipers.
If one bullet could kill a single zombie, the ammunition in the Survival Camp is more than enough to destroy the zombies many times over. But in reality, other than the snipers and elite marksmen, the rest of the men need to expand about twenty or more bullets to hit a zombie on its head.
The throng of zombies was clustered tightly together. Hitting a zombie is not a difficult issue. But hitting the head of these zombie is the difficult part. The bullets that landed on other regions of the zombie body were ineffective against the zombie horde.