2. Objectives
Due to conflicting reports on the relationship between
personality or EQ and academic achievement, this study
was designed to evaluate the relationship between; EQ,
type of personality and academic achievement, in students
of Kashan University of Medical Sciences.
3. Materials and Methods
A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the
relationship between emotional intelligence and personality
type with academic achievement of Kashan University
of Medical Sciences student’s in 2012. All students of
medicine, nursing and midwifery, health, and para-medicine
were considered as the target population. In total 211
students were selected using a stratified sample according
to the following formula (α = 0.95, 1-β = 0.8, r = 0.23)
(3). Unwillingness to participate and being a junior student
were considered as exclusion criteria. The required
samples were selected from the list of senior students of
each faculty. The researchers referred to each selected student,
presented explanations about the research objectives
and gave them a questionnaire and requested them
to return the answered questionnaire to the researchers’
office after 24 hours.