(Bandar Seri Begawan) Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital city and major port of Brunei in Brunei Government-mountain paradise. There is a population of 60000 people, originally named mueangborunai when Brunei from the protection of the British, and then change the name of the current city as Bandar Seri Begawan Banda Seri Begawan is the Centre of business, finance, trade and industry of the country. It is also a place where the production of petroleum and natural gas.
The capital city of Brunei Darussalam is located around the country, such as the Royal Palace. Brunei Museum, Brunei history centre The largest mosque in the Eastern hemisphere is a Masjid Omar Ali and layers to fight cyber ngae. The original village of Brunei House area of the Brunei River.
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Beijing and one of the town called town of full mouth. Bandar Seri Begawan is a nice city. There are buildings in mueangkwang Street and a modern House. There is a large mosque in the middle of the city is the Masjid Omar Ali to fight cyber ground.
In the area of the mosque is to dig a large piece of jewelry, the show featured an elegant interior with marble mosques, from Italy, and special order carpet woven big huge is considered to be the center of Muslims in Brunei, and is the most important place of Islam in Brunei.
In addition to the mosque Omar Ali China clay to fight. Seoul Bandar Seri Begawan is a fascinating Museum of Brunei, Brunei Malay Technology Museum Museum such as the.
That shows the architecture of construction in River, as ngae layers. There is also a big and Grand, that is beautiful. Royal Palace Istana General menu Iman, which is open to visitors after the Ramadan fasting or after a ceremony for the first part of the name comes from Persian bandar Bandar means "port" or "escape". The second part of the name is the Seri Begawan comes from the word "SI phokwan" (Sri Bhagwan) In the Sanskrit language means Holy.