Contributing to Cleaner Air with Care
Contributing to Cleaner Air with Care
We are working to make your stay with us more carbon efficient, and our target is to ensure that we make significant progress on this.
We will take all reasonable steps to minimize and where possible, offset emissions and encourage our staff, suppliers, and guests to help us contribute to a cleaner air.
Bio-Diesel can be produced using the spent cooking oil from the kitchens, providing us with effective and low-emissions fuel for our staff transport.
Local Vendors make up the grand majority of our supply line, eliminating the need for unnecessary transportation and other energy-consuming effects.
V.O.C.s (Volatile Organic Compounds) are completely avoided when items are to be printed and through the careful selection of building materials.
Ozone-Depleting Substances such as C.F.C.s and H.C.F.C.s, specifically because of their harmful effects, were avoided throughout the selection of air-conditioning and refrigeration.