Pat (Tower of Saviors)
Sep 26, 19:53
Hi Summoner Saichon Chareeburanaparp ,
Thank you for your email.
Please note that your Game ID 14779084 has been restored. Please quit the TOS app and re-enter. You will be able to continue the game progress accordingly. You are also suggested to bind your account with a social network if you haven't done so.
How to know if I have bound my account or not?
Press on the header square above the world map in the main interface and check if your account has been bound or not
How to bind my account?
Press on the header square above the world map in the main interface and choose "Account Binding". Then you can choose the social network that you want to bind your account with and save the game's data. You should choose the social network account which has never been bound with before.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you!
Customer Support Team
Tower of Saviors