One side of Me - educator, trained counsellor, child psychologist, TV presenter (Islamic programmes). Another side of Me - loser when it comes to love, failed marriage relationships. And so, I am alone. I pray to Allah Azza Wa Jalla 5 times a day... be kind, help others, give donations, take care of my parents who are old. I want to be better... as I get ever older. I know I am stupid. And so, each day I learn more about the world and about Islam. I know this life is temporary. My focus now is my Mom and my Dad. And, my darling 9 years old daughter from my failed first marriage. She doesn't leave with me though, she lives with my ex in a different country. So there, so much love to give, no one to give it to. "Fa inna ma'al usri yusra... Inna ma'al 'usri yusra" - Insya Allah. Peace be upon you, wassalamualaikum.