The final sample consisted of 132 students (70 boys and 62 girls). At T2,
teachers rated the socioeconomic status of 25% of students (n = 33) as low,
64% (n = 84) as average, and 11% (n = 15) as high. A total of 429 students
provided peer nominations of aggression. This number differs from
the 132 mentioned previously, because at T2 parental permission to participate
in the peer nomination measure was solicited from all students in
the classes, not just from those students who participated at T1. Both the
mean and median classroom participation rate was 59%, and ranged from
31% to 77%. The majority of classes (94%) exceeded the 40% participation
rate recommended by Terry (1999), with only two classrooms falling
below this standard (31% and 39%). The results reported next did not change
significantly when peer nominations from those two classrooms