Prescription Drugs are medications that are prescribed to patients by a doctor to help in many ways, such as relieve pain, treat symptoms of a disease, or to help fight an infection. They are very safe when used properly and under supervision of a physician, yet if used without approval of a doctor they can be very harmful and in some cases could lead to death. During your adolescence years, teens have curiosity which builds up and leads them to experimentation. They pop a pill, get high and then want more. Not only do they ease your state of mind, Increasing numbers of teens have easy access to painkillers through classmates, friends, family members, and even online. Sometimes they can even obtain the leftovers from the family medicine cabinet. After experimenting with prescription drugs, what was once a curiosity can turn into dependence rather quickly and even lead to death. Teenagers feel that taking pills is a cheaper, less harmful way to ease your state of mind. If teens are not educated about prescription drugs and the consequences they withhold than the drug use among teens will only increase and so will the deaths.