Good night Yuva.
I wouldn't be too hard on Craig about taking the shell off shrimp or crab. Heck, I'll throw
Lobster in the mix as well. I know I am no good at it either. We never had fish much
growing up, and most restaurants here in the US take care of that for you. Plus Craig and
I were both raised away from the coast. So shrimp, crab and lobster always had the extra
added cost shipping included in the price. I know for me we often had what my mother
could afford versus trying to eat right. She did a good job. She raised five of us on her own.
So I learned how to cook filling meals and not necessarily healthy meals! The meals I know
how to cook are intended to put meat on your bones. Not for keeping weight off.
As for the basement and my ex-wife. It is one thing to come ask a question about something.
The problem was she would do it because of something she saw on television and always
said it could not wait until I got done with work. She would come in and interrupt conference
calls also. So her constant interruptions were difficult to handle sometimes. I can appreciate
the thoughts you have on it, but to me, it was still dang disturbing. So that truly is the down
side to working from home. Others in the home need to respect the work effort as well as the
person who is working.
The news agencies are all still concerned with the King's health over cancelling his annual speech
every year. Iy may well have been doctor's orders, but I am beginning to think the king is not
doing well. His son has stripped the royal name away from his wife's family. No more about her.
And the king's health is now under question. It is enough to make one think there may soon be
period of mourning for the nation.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think of you all the time.
Hugs & Kisses