Amongst vegetable oils, the avocado oil was, again, the most
influential in the texture parameters displayed by cooked burger
patties. Compared to C-patties, patties with added avocado oil
presented significantly lower values for hardness, gumminess and
chewiness (pb0.05). The composition and characteristics of the fat
are highly influential on the textural properties of meat products
(Lawrie, 1998). In the present study, the substitution of SFA with
unsaturated fats as a result of the replacement of back-fat with
avocado oil could explain the observed soft consistency of the Apatties.
However, other vegetable oils with higher unsaturation
indexes, such as the sunflower oil, did not show a similar effect. On
the other hand, Ganhão et al. (2010b) recently proposed that the
oxidation of myofibrillar proteins would cause an increase of hardness
in burger patties through the formation of protein cross-links.
In the present study, such effect was not observed as the olive oil
had the greatest effect against protein oxidation whereas the impact
on the texture properties of burger patties was negligible. Whereas
the reason for the significant effect of the avocado oil on the texture
properties of burger patties remains unknown, it is reasonable to
consider that the soft texture of A-patties could be interpreted by
consumers as a drawback in terms of sensory quality.
Amongst vegetable oils, the avocado oil was, again, the most
influential in the texture parameters displayed by cooked burger
patties. Compared to C-patties, patties with added avocado oil
presented significantly lower values for hardness, gumminess and
chewiness (pb0.05). The composition and characteristics of the fat
are highly influential on the textural properties of meat products
(Lawrie, 1998). In the present study, the substitution of SFA with
unsaturated fats as a result of the replacement of back-fat with
avocado oil could explain the observed soft consistency of the Apatties.
However, other vegetable oils with higher unsaturation
indexes, such as the sunflower oil, did not show a similar effect. On
the other hand, Ganhão et al. (2010b) recently proposed that the
oxidation of myofibrillar proteins would cause an increase of hardness
in burger patties through the formation of protein cross-links.
In the present study, such effect was not observed as the olive oil
had the greatest effect against protein oxidation whereas the impact
on the texture properties of burger patties was negligible. Whereas
the reason for the significant effect of the avocado oil on the texture
properties of burger patties remains unknown, it is reasonable to
consider that the soft texture of A-patties could be interpreted by
consumers as a drawback in terms of sensory quality.
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