Positive and Negative Affect Schedule-Expanded Form (PANAS-X;
Watson & Clark, 1992) is a mood measure that contains 60 words
or phrases thatmeasure both positive and negative affect. Responses
are on a Likert scale and range from1 indicating “very slightly or not
at all” to 5 indicating “extremely.” The PANAS-X provides scores for
the two primary factors, Positive Affect and Negative Affect on a
scale from 10 to 50. Higher scores for each factor indicate greater
Positive Affect orNegative Affect. Internal reliabilities for the positive
and negative subscales were .88 and .85, respectively.
Culturally Relevant Body Image Instrument (Pulvers et al., 2004)
contains 18 silhouette drawings of male and female bodies.
Participants are asked to circle which body they feel they most
resemble at the current moment as well as which body they wish
to resemble. A difference between the two scores is taken. The
scale has been shown to have good validity and test–retest
reliability. Scores range from −8, indicating high levels of body
dissatisfaction to 8, indicating no body dissatisfaction.
Body Happiness Questionnaire (BHQ; Witt et al., Manuscript in
progress). Each item on this survey lists a physical characteristic.
Participants are asked to rate their contentment with each
characteristic. Participants are also asked how important this
characteristic is in defining their own physical appearance. The BHQ
is divided into four subscales: Body Weight and Fitness Importance,
Body Weight and Fitness Happiness, Perceived Attractiveness
Importance, and Perceived Attractiveness Happiness. Items that
belonged in the Body Weight and Fitness Happiness and Perceived
Attractiveness Happiness scales were scored on a Likert scale with a
score of −2 indicating “very unhappy” and a score of 2 indicating
“very happy.” The BodyWeight and Fitness Importance and Perceived
Attractiveness Importance scales were scored on a Likert scale with
responses ranging from 0, which indicates “not at all important,” to
3, which indicates “very important.” To obtain an overall happiness
score for Body Weight and Fitness (BWF) and Perceived Attractiveness
(PA), happiness is weighted by the level of importance the
participants place on each feature. Validity and test–retest reliability
has not been established with this scale as of yet. Internal reliabilities
for the BWF and PA subscales were .92 and .89, respectively.