3.3. Eccentric load test results
Fig. 14 shows the final flange local buckling mode of specimen HSH1-
310-NC-E3. Table 8 summarizes the results of the eccentric load
test. Note that specimen HS-H1-310-NC (with zero eccentricity) is
the same specimen as the one used in the concentric load test (see
Table 1). Fig. 15 shows a comparison of the experimental results of
this study and the AISC P–Minteraction strength curve. As noted before,
the cross section dimensions of all the specimens used in the eccentric
loading test were identical to those of specimen HS-H1-310-NC in the
concentric load test and all were thus noncompact under uniformcompression.
Further, the section as a whole was again noncompact under
flexural compression because the flange was noncompact. The 2010
AISC P–M interaction equation is given as Eqs. (10a) and (10b) in the