Just a tip for Dutch customers; to get it working I used a T-mobile prepaid card, stuck the SIM in an old phone to remove the PIN (and setup an account with t-mobile to see usage status online and connect the number to my t-mobile subscription for 'free calls' back and forth ;-) ) After installing the Ap and registering the watch, I was only able to call it and have a conversation but the device was not recognised. Turns out I had to set the APN parameters, you can do that by sending an SMS from a mobile phone To the telephone number of the SIM card you stuck in the watch, you'll get a reply SMS to confirm the change. After that it worked ok. Downside it that when finding the location of the watch it will give you the right location when a gps signal is available, but when not (if you are inside for instance) it will give you the location of the closest telephone antenna you're connected to....