In the new millennium, India also seems to have finally shaken off the moral- ism of the nonaligned philosophy, although it is still quite comfortable in South- South dialogues and is not beyond sounding off against"imperialists" if the occasion arises. By South-South dialogues, I refer to the postcolonial conversations among many former colonies that often touched on the negative impact of colonialism and the appropriate redress for it. For the most part, with the economy booming and terrorism and extremism exacting a heavy price, the rhetoric of the nonaligned movement appears almost quaint and certainly very"last-century," focusing on the prosperous North as the enemy. With Asian economies growing many Western countries in recession and enemies that detonate bombs with regularity within India's border, the old view of the world no longer seizes"the headlines." India's priorities appear reordered to engage global powers, including the United States and other democracies like Japan, as a step towards easing into its own role as growing world power.