For incubation of the MG hydrolyzate using the strains of S.
cerevisiae, the detection of glucose concentration per incubation
time is illustrated in Fig. 3b. Glucose concentration declined very
quickly within 24 h, which correlated to the rapid increase of yeast
population in Fig. 3a. S. cerevisiae TISTR 5049 and 5596 consumed
almost all the available glucose within 24 h, while larger concentrations
of glucose, 10 and 13 g/L, could still be detected in the
flasks of S. cerevisiae TISTR 5339 and 5606, respectively, possibly
due to their lower tolerance to osmotic stress compared to strains
TISTR 5049 and 5596 (Navarro-Aviño et al., 1999), which caused
some yeast cells to burst. This hypothesis explains the lower number
of yeast cells for S. cerevisiae TISTR 5539 and 5606 after 24 h in
Fig. 3a. The remaining yeast cells that were capable of enduring the
osmotic stress underwent natural adaptation and consumed the
leftover glucose (Taherzadeh and Karimi, 2011). Glucose concentration
dropped to almost 0 g/L after 72 h of incubation in all samples,
which confirms that pH 10 is the most suitable overliming pH
because all strains of S. cerevisiae could utilize the glucose in the
For incubation of the MG hydrolyzate using the strains of S.cerevisiae, the detection of glucose concentration per incubationtime is illustrated in Fig. 3b. Glucose concentration declined veryquickly within 24 h, which correlated to the rapid increase of yeastpopulation in Fig. 3a. S. cerevisiae TISTR 5049 and 5596 consumedalmost all the available glucose within 24 h, while larger concentrationsof glucose, 10 and 13 g/L, could still be detected in theflasks of S. cerevisiae TISTR 5339 and 5606, respectively, possiblydue to their lower tolerance to osmotic stress compared to strainsTISTR 5049 and 5596 (Navarro-Aviño et al., 1999), which causedsome yeast cells to burst. This hypothesis explains the lower numberof yeast cells for S. cerevisiae TISTR 5539 and 5606 after 24 h inFig. 3a. The remaining yeast cells that were capable of enduring theosmotic stress underwent natural adaptation and consumed theleftover glucose (Taherzadeh and Karimi, 2011). Glucose concentrationdropped to almost 0 g/L after 72 h of incubation in all samples,which confirms that pH 10 is the most suitable overliming pHbecause all strains of S. cerevisiae could utilize the glucose in thehydrolyzate
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