Your host family would like you to participate in the AAA driving course. The course is a theory based course lasting 1 day and is held at the orientation hotel.
Your host family will cover the cost of the course.
This would involve you departing a day earlier than planned, on 24th August. The driving course will take place on the 25th August and then orientation will start as normal on the morning of 26th August.
Please note your visa papers will still be completely valid, they are valid for 30 days either side of the date on your DS2019, your departure date will not change on your Au pair site but your flight information will show you are departing a day earlier.
Please can you email me back as soon as possible to confirm you are happy to leave earlier. There will be other Au Pairs doing this course with you..
Please read the attached information and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards