Results and Findings
Respondent Profiles
All 76 hotels are represented in the sample, with 34% of respondents located in Central & North England, 22% from Scotland and Ireland, 29% South of England and 16% in London. The majority of the respondents are female (56%). Unusually, females form the majority of all levels of managers represented in the sample. Thirty percent of the sample comprises senior managers, consisting of general managers and deputy managers, 53% are departmental managers, 9% supervisors and 7% other. Included in other category are assistant managers and deputy departmental managers. Two percent of the respondents did not indicate their position in the organisation. The age profile of the respondents indicates that 52% of the sample is between 26-45 years of age, with 18% in the 18- 25 years category and 6% over 45 years of age. Fifty six percent of the respondents have been in their current position for 1-5years, 15% over 5years and 27 % less than one year. Of those who have been in their current position for less than one year, 39% have been with the organisation for less than one year, representing 10% of the total returns. Forty eight percent of the respondents indicated that they had been with Hilton hotels for 1-5years and a further 38% over 5 years.
Esprit: Line Managers’ Role and Issues