It is universally accepted that innovation is the key to ensure the future growth and survival of any firm. Innovation
allows organizations to coordinate themselves with the changes of the environment, market and costumer demand. It
is found that there is a relationship between organizational culture innovations and the adoption of information
system. The innovation is described as a critical factor in organization performance and survival of the firms in a
competitive environment. The importance of product innovation for good long-term company results is now widely
recognized and has been extensively reported in the literature.. In result, because of the importance of innovation,
many researchers have analyzed its antecedents, hoping to determine what a firm must do if it hopes to become
more innovative.
Innovation was the subject of organizations for long times, Although by producing a new product you may be able
t6 attract customers temporarily but more important than innovation and invention is the process which can be
flowing like time cycle and by reaching to maturity period other competitors could Gain its production technology
and you could benefit from it.
In this article we intended to investigate innovation and its necessity in this regard from researcher point of view and
presented definitions. Some of them saw innovation from new perspective and some from treatment [1, 9].
Innovation is one of the most important and most complex issues organizations faced with today. Innovation is the
success key for organizations.
In Gybenz idea, innovation in firms is the application of Ideas for firms whether they were used for products,
processes, services, marketing system or management.
Some researchers who saw innovation from accepting ideas and concepts approach define innovation as accepted
units by firms. Some others define innovation from behavioral point of view. They know organizational innovation
as a durable organizational features, this means that an innovative organization shows innovative behavior over
* Hamid Tohidi
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Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Hamid Tohidi and Mohammad Mehdi Jabbari / Procedia Technology 1 ( 2012 ) 560 – 564 561
time[2]. Organizational innovation is fast becoming a crucial factor in company survival as a result of the evolution
of the competitive environment. In this vein, Bachalandra and Friar consider that the successful introduction of new
products is the lifeblood of most organizations.
In this method firm cannot gain level of innovation in short period of time, but innovations mean during period of
time innovation acceptance average time and sustainability of innovation is also considered.
Lampkin and Dez investigate innovation from both behavioral and production point of view which they believe firm
innovation will begin from the desire to test new things and will continue to commitment of dominating on new
products or technology. But those things that Harley and Halt considered for innovation are the culture of
participation in a firm and the ability to perform new ideas or readiness of a firm to accept new ideas. Culture of
firm openness is not enough but range of acceptance or applying new ideas in business will determine the level of
innovation [3, 10, 11].