This study assessed the impact of demographic, mood, acculturation, weight, and accurate weight feedback on
body dissatisfaction and satisfaction. One hundred and sixty Hispanic college students completed measures
assessing depressive symptoms, acculturation, affect, and body image. Participants were randomized to receive
immediate or delayed weight feedback. Three multiple regression analyses assessed predictors of body
dissatisfaction, body weight and fitness happiness, and perceived attractiveness. A hierarchical regression
model assessed body dissatisfaction after receiving feedback. Results indicate that greater body dissatisfaction
was associated with females, greater depressive symptomatology, and higher weight. Body weight and fitness
happinesswas associatedwith males and greater positive affect. Perceived attractivenesswas related to smoking,
greater positive affect, and greater importance placed on weight. Body dissatisfaction was not impacted by
accurate weight feedback. Studies assessing the impact of these predictors inweight loss and/or body acceptance
interventions are warranted, particularly in Hispanic college students.
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