I suppose not," said Kevin.
"Did you ever think about that? Say, if someone in a higher dimension decided to mess with us?"
"Nope, not really," said Kevin.
"Have you read The Holographic Universe?
"I did. The holograph thing is possible, I guess. Anything is possible."
"Suppose the whole system is starting to close down." said David.
"Close down?"
"Suppose our universe is indeed a hologram and whatever is keeping that hologram going has decided to call it a day. Or maybe for some reason it's breaking down, coming apart."
"Why would you say that?" asked Kevin.
David wasn't ready to tell him. The three of them had that thing going men so often did - a lot of ribbing each other, not being too serious.
"I don't know," David mumbled.
If the thing had happened to him and Erin Latterly and the neurologist had said that other patients were describing the same experience, maybe there were people all over the world encountering it. And...all keeping quiet about it?
"How come you're watching the news again?" his wife asked that evening. "I thought you said you'd had enough of, as you put it, 'that endless political crap'?"
"Just keeping my ears open," said David.
Lorena gave him a long look. She'd been transferred to day shift and had been a lot more rested and in a good mood ever since. "You're worrying about what happened again, aren't you?"
"Like you wouldn't if it'd been you?"
"Weird things happen to people all the time," she said. "I hear all kinds of stories. They hear voices, they see ghosts or little dark things running along the floor, they're visited by aliens, their stuff disappears then reappears in the first place they looked. I'll tell you, the world is strange, David. Nothing to worry about."
"Until now," he said ominously.
Finally, on CNN he caught two heads chuckling over something, the way they usually did when reporting UFO sightings.