This cluster seeks to improve understanding of the relationship between demographic changes and the environment as they impact on health of the population. As the amount of natural resources and food is limited, there might in the future be shortages as the Thai population continues to expand. The search for habitats and agricultural land by mobile populations also adversely impacts on the environment due to increased deforestation trends. Increased urbanisation is straining the ability of municipalities to provide basic infrastructural services and air and water pollution is worsening as a result of the greater density of people and motor vehicles.
The conceptual framework of this cluster covers both urban and rural studies. Urban population and environmental variables help explain changes and interactions affecting infrastructure, economy, society, culture, technology and pollution. The impact of these urban factors are linked to destructive use of energy. Dependence on motor vehicles exacerbates the challenges faced in an urban environment and depletes non-renewable energy resources. Solid waste management becomes more of a challenge particularly in densely-populated urban areas. Associated with these phenomena are increased prevalence of mental illnesses and stress.
In rural areas, population and environmental issues of interest to researchers include the changing environment and how this impacts on agricultural production and reduced food security for Thailand as a whole in the future. This research cluster is also interested in how the changing rural environment impacts on health of different sub-groups of the population by age, occupation and ethnicity. The data collected from these studies will increase the body of knowledge and help inform linkages with demographic developments and the overall health of the population.