„Hee hee, the senior, can you tell me, when Xuanyuan Young Master goes ‚Nightmare Great Lake’ , does he have to tell you to return to ‚Fighting Dragons Sect’?”
„Snort, sentimental your this girl has ulterior motives, is good, he entered Nightmare Great Lake in first seven days ‚’, he said that wants to practice a stage in middle, then returns to ‚Fighting Dragons Sect’ to carry on three years of approximately that war with Jiang Yitian, when the time comes he naturally can go back, you do not need to be worried to be too many.” Words that Xuanyuan talked nonsense, had words at fingertips and wrote with facility, the beautification, did not have the flaw slightly:
„What's wrong, aren't you that boy very own person? How doesn't he where know?”
„Franks, I have made the Heavens Secret person survey the Xuanyuan Young Master position, but before , the powerhouses in stage day Heavens Secret are unable to calculate the Xuanyuan Young Master whereabouts suddenly, therefore I somewhat was worried, but senior, since said that I also felt relieved.” Bai Youniang hear [words/that], on the face is brimming with the smiling face, since Xuanyuan entered ‚Nightmare Great Lake’ practice, she has not disturbed, making Xuanyuan deal well with the Jiang Yitian three years has fought, thinks that in ‚Nightmare Great Lake’ in some mysterious places, can isolate Heavens Secret, therefore could not calculate the Xuanyuan position!
„Was good, the old man my anything said that the words of It's nothing matter, I walked, why you should why go.” Xuanyuan hoarse grew smiles one, the steps left.
The flash that the practice room front door opens, the beautiful female watched the Bai Youniang meaningful glance, not to Xuanyuan the expense that wanted these years practice room to occupy.
After Yin Zhenluo and Bai Youniang two people not cold are not pale say goodbye mutually, then left.
Left ‚Taibai Trading Centre’, the Xuanyuan heart relaxed finally, toward ‚day ghost mountain’ the direction goes from out of the blue.
„Ha Ha, I said your boy, lies one after another, with, really cannot look, human not facial expression, after it seems like me, does not need to be worried that you will have been deceived by the woman, these women only need be deceived by you do not have including the underpants were good.” Greedy Old Man has laughed, was teasing Xuanyuan.
Xuanyuan turned the supercilious look, said:
„Doesn't my this have the means? Otherwise, my status exposition, ‚Heavens Secret’ very much might in the future through them, calculates me, when the time comes ‚Reincarnation’ in has trillion people, the opportunity that I expose is also much higher! Who called me is ‚The Body Of All Creation’ this shameful physique!”
„Ha Ha Ha” Greedy Old Man smiles very inexpensively. „It seems like that two girls do not lose heart, in the heart has the doubts, with.”
Xuanyuan appearance that disguises not to know, has not paid attention, from out of the blue, revolves that «Void Dying Technique», immediately, own on aura, gives to cover completely, oneself as if no stone of life aura, is unable to realize, in an instant, during body of Xuanyuan then integrated was void.
Yin Zhenluo wears fights Armor, float in midair, does not have again by the mystique chase of Yin Family, gave up at heart finally:
„I also thought am Xuanyuan, it seems like is really not he, «Void Dying Technique» this at least is ‚Reincarnation’ Daoism Elder the magical powers method of meeting.”
Yin Zhenluo is intelligent the clever female, in the heart always does not feel right, but actually Naihe can not, can only leave, sometimes after all felt that not completely is also correct.
After seeing Yin Zhenluo leaves, Bai Youniang then returned to ‚Taibai Trading Centre’, the heart said: „It seems like this old man should not drive out bites heart dragon insect ’ the method really ‚, thinks he will want ‚ The Gold of Heaven’ with the Yin Zhenluo secret attachment, it seems like he really not, is right, he is not only the Xuanyuan Young Master teacher, has no reason not to rescue Xuanyuan, now only then and other Xuanyuan ‚Fighting Dragons City’, he came back, certainly first will come ‚Fighting Dragons City’ to look my”
The female will of the people, is this, does not see the Yellow River not to lose hope, does not hit the south wall not to turn head.