Autobiographical Statement
by Miss.Dawrong Praditphausa
I am anative of Thai , born in Rayong Province, Thailand in 1978.
I was interested in E.T.Engineering from the very beginning in high school, I elected
courses related to this field and upon entering Thailand university as afreshman .I
immediately declared E.T.Engineering as a freshman as my major.Thus I have obtained
a strong background and firm foundation which should provevaluable and useful for my
studies at the graduate level.
I am convinced that E.T.Engineering is anextremely important discipline, which holds
much promise for the further and ismuch needed now, especially in developing countries
such as my homeland. E.T.Technology is one of those areas which can help a country get
on its feet economically. It is one of the leaders in the movement towards modernization
and improvement currently underway in Thailand. After I receive the knowledgeand
Master’s degrees, I intend to return to Thailand and disseminate myknowledge through
working at E.T.Engineering industry.
I am interested in coming to your Institution in particular because I feel that you are most
qualified to teach me the things I want to learn. I realize that the education facilities
currently available in Thailand are inadequate to meet the demands of contemporary
scientific study. Therefore, I decided to come to Germany for Graduate University. Of the
university in Germany, yours has one of the finest reputations for outstanding scholarship
and accomplishment in my field, therefore I apply to you for admission.
My extracurricular activities have some bearing on my eligibility for entry to your graduate
university, so I will note them briefly here. I was involved insports especially basketball
playing, and also in the student government. I washeld the office of student body
treasure during my senior year. I was the volunteer in town developed camp I also
joined many special interest and service clubs and gained a reputation as acommunity
leader. ( I was the president of culture section and the president of social welfare
section). But as much as I enjoined all these outside activities I never let them interfere
with my main purpose, which was to be a good student.In fact, many of these had
direct bearing on my school work, and helped me increase my understand and
experience in management.
I studied hard and conscientiously in my university and will certainly continue to do so.
I feel confident that I am qualified to receive admittance to your university. My past
academic achievements along with my goals for the future should convince you that I do
have the ability and the will to succeed.
Aftergraduating , I work at ABC company thatteach me about E.T. testing , quality
assurance , quality control and manybuyer standards.
So I have special testing knowledge. Afterward in DEF company , . At here
I first started in the R&D engineer who responded the new development of
E.T.Technology. In part of E.T.Technology, We have to find the new innovation and new
design . Sometime wehave to apply the design and control the quality of new E.T. In
part of E.T.developing , We have the new development .Almost these new developments
,R&D section must test in lab and production ,then set up the regulation condition before
let the line production do. Then,I moved to be Technical sale in final buyer section . In
this position ,I have to response to control the quality product that is ordered by customer
and co-ordinate between plant and customer.
I have used spare time to study all the facets of E.T. Technology knowledge
to develop my working but as there is less technology and knowledge for advanced in this
field in Thailand. I decided that the best thing for me would be to seek further education
abroad. For this reason, I applied to your university in the master’s program in Master of
Science in E.T. Engineering .
Thank you very much for your courtesy and attention.