Ladies and gentlemen government will not speak tonight
his time is up for years you fast who is "Soul"
you've asked that question in despair and resignation as factories closed goods become scarce jobs disappeared
your lives are becoming more difficult as the life force a few world is draining away
you've asked that question
without expecting an answer I'm your answer
this is Soul speaking
government will tell you the truth about the crisis in your world
I will
have you noticed that has everything around you seems to decline
one thing still growsit
is the power up your rulers
none of the plans and directives have solved your problems or made your life better
the only result has been there increased control over you at the cost freedom
do you know why
you gave them the power
they called for your sacrifice
that you thought it was noble
they said if you worked for yourself
and your family that you were selfish and uncaring
and they made you feel ashamed
they denounce the leaders industry as greedy exploiters the Ellis why it's
the heck mutants
and again
you agreed
and then you ask
why did they
and others like them disappear
I took them from you
their achievements flowed from their creative minds
once they understood
that the attempt to control their work
was an attempt to control their minds
they left
the people on strike work for themselves
for their own vision of what was possible
when they recognize the honor they deserved
they rebelled against the guild
you wanted them to feel for their success
you can count on them to keep producing to keep thinking
even as you denounce the most selfish
I showed them they were being punished for their own virtues
and I showed them how evil that is
I made it my mission to help these heroes say no
all evil needs to win is the consent good people
they have joined me
to freely produce
trade cooperate and compete in a place with the rights all are protected
do not try to find us
do not try to bargain for a return
get out of our way
to everyone within the range my voice
you know have a choice to make
if youy decide to support the notion of sacrifice enforced by the state
your game is up
your world isn't downward spiral
and you will write it down to destruction
but if you share the values of our strike if you believe that your life
is a sacred possession
for you to make the most of
if you want to live by the judge me love you own mind
not edicts from the state
then follow our lead
do not support your own oppressors
stop leading the system exploit you
from your own communities on the frontiers a few crumbling world
your rulers hold you by your endurance to carry the burden is they impose
by your generosity when you hear cries of despair and above all
by your innocence which cannot grasp the DEP's
their evil
the world we're living in is the eorld they wanted
leave them to it
those who have left you are eager to build a better world
world of freedom and opportunity
a world based on me ritual respect
in that world he will rise in the morning with the spirit you knew in childhood
the spirited eagerness an adventure
and the confidence that the world is what it is and is there for you to discover
in that world you will not receive alms
no pity
your forgiveness of sins
but on ur
a justice
don't let the fire go out sparked by you replaceable spark in confusion and despair
be sure if your path
the world you dersire can be one
it exists
it real it
is possible
it is yours