Regardless if you love him or love me ,regardless if I love you or we’re in love
Regardless of this love or that love Regardless if I’m your soul mate, or whoever is our soulmate(*) Every time love occurs at the wrong time Every time we let someone in
Every time we hope and desire Someone who isn’t suitable (**) Every time we both deceive ourselves That our love isn’t wrong, good or bad, we don’t care
We blame heaven, blame destiny
Blame love for playing with the two of us
But love is a beautiful thing from heaven
Always precious inside of us
jnd if there’s only you and me, or them and whoever
Use the word “love”
Until it’s wrong, until it seems bad, the thing that destroys everyone today
Is desire
Tortured by not caring and uninterest
Right and wrong, and good and bad
When you love him or you love me
Why do you still want to disappear every day?
You can’t stop yourself, can’t stop the heart
Why is it the longer I have someone next to me, the more they’re not right?