They found
that illegally caught species are significantly more Concealable, i.e.
sold through more ports of convenience; Removable, i.e., easily
caught in shallower waters; more Abundant, i.e. caught in larger
quantities; more Accessible, i.e. found in territorialwaters of known
illegal fishing countries; more Valuable, i.e., are larger species;
more Enjoyable, i.e. are found more often in recipes; and easily
Disposable, i.e. are highly commercial. Moreover, there were significant
variations in the risks of capture among the 58 IUU species
on all CRAAVED elements, except Disposable.
They foundthat illegally caught species are significantly more Concealable, i.e.sold through more ports of convenience; Removable, i.e., easilycaught in shallower waters; more Abundant, i.e. caught in largerquantities; more Accessible, i.e. found in territorialwaters of knownillegal fishing countries; more Valuable, i.e., are larger species;more Enjoyable, i.e. are found more often in recipes; and easilyDisposable, i.e. are highly commercial. Moreover, there were significantvariations in the risks of capture among the 58 IUU specieson all CRAAVED elements, except Disposable.
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